Lessons on Surefire Losing in Casino Poker

If we want to surely lose in casino poker — and show everybody else at the table how amateurish we are — these are the things we should do.

Bet in a hurry.

This is a surefire way of losing in casino poker. This gives an undue advantage to an opponent on one’s right and loses and is a favorite among amateurs. Do the same with a raise; try to beat everybody at it and give hints to those who would call to increase the pot and make them fold instead. Or fold in a hurry so that the player to one’s left is hinted at with one’s intention to forego a raise. However, if we want to win, we wait for our turn to make moves. That way, we are able to better judge our situation.

Don’t pay attention to the bet update.

Just focus on the hand and the bluff. When one’s turn comes, just make the contemplated move and never even give a glance at the pot. But if the aim is to win at poker, watch carefully the pot and how it has remained or increased before and after one’s turn and the flop. Remember that poker moves largely depend on the pot’s situation, not just one’s hand, or the opponent’s reaction. The pot often tells the reality.
Read More: https://www.newcargames.org/lessons-on-surefire-losing-in-casino-poker/
